The aprs amateur radio software of choice on linux is called xastir. Automatic packet reporting system aprs is an amateur radiobased system for real time digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area. It can gate aprs packets between one or more rf networks and aprs is. I took an old laptop that my grandparents gave me and put raspian linux on it. If you made it this far without errors or burning your hamshack down, installing xastir is a breeze. Aprs uses a different communication style from bbses. Automatic packet reporting system aprs also known as automatic position reporting system is an amateur radio based digital communication system for realtime exchange of digital information to users on the network. There are other linux based aprs programs that can use the kiss tnc setup in the nf file, some folks prefer yaac yet another aprs client. Or if you just love to play with a rasperry you can get the newest version here. Aprsdos, uiview, aprspoint aprsis32 windows, linux on wine xastir linux yaac windows, mac os x, linux aprsdroid android iaprs apple ios aprs tw aprs messenger. It will decode aprs messages from your radio audio jack connected into a computers soundcard. Buy weather stations, wireless weather stations, emergency radios, barometers, hygrometers, lightning detectors, thermometers, wind and rain gauges. Yaac is a mostly platformindependent java application written by andrew pavlin, ka2ddo, for monitoring and contributing to the automatic packet reporting system aprs network invented and trademarked by bob bruninga, wb4apr.
You can begin with just some software on your pc, a vhf handheld and two audio cables between them. Uiview also supports tncs in kiss mode, agwpe host mode and bpq host mode. Yaac aprs up and running with direwolf on ubuntu youtube. With my setup i can switch my aprs station from the usual 144.
Win32diskimager is recommended by the raspberry pi foundation if youre using windows. Direwolf runs all the audio tnc stuff and generates decodes the aprs packets. With its interactive interface, users can view information about campaigns, track agents and perform realtime analytics. It supports 125 map formats, several types of tncs and weather stations, festival speech. The library includes position, message, telemetry, and other objects, each with resources for receiving, transmitting, and data manipulation. This software was developed to be used by licensed amateur radio operators. To retrieve your new key, visit the following website to check for your replacement key. You are responsible for any information transmitted or propagated on any network. Monitoring aprs with the rtlsdr youtube user troy mcquinn has uploaded a video showing how he is able to decode amateur radio aprs signals.
It will also run on linux and mac os under wine, as well as other virtual machines. To download the lastest version for windows follow this link. Decoded information from radio emissions for windows or linux fans. Aprs was originally developed by bob bruninga, wb4apr more than 20 years ago. Aprs requires a windows aprs program such as agwtracker, winaprs, uiview, etc. The collection of items that deal with the aspects of bpq32 and related software. The current release version of ham radio deluxe is v6. With version 4 he is fast enough to fulfill all tasks. It has since evolved into a robust system of interconnected networks. There are now dozens of software defined radio packages that support the ultra cheap rtlsdr. Pinpoint aprs is a free software application that together with some radio equipment and accessories allows you to visually track people and assets using amateur radio ham radio equipment using maps. Place the image on your sd card using the imaging software of your choice.
Packet radio lives on through open source software. Yet another aprs client, software for accessing the automatic packet reporting. Aprs is a multifaceted system for use with packet radio by hams, it allows the monitoring of real time geographical information such as the position of vehicles, the status of weather, radio direction finding and much much more. Station call make sure to use the ssid shown on your system, e. Aprs is an acronym for automatic packet reporting system and is used by ham radio users to send data like messages, announcements and also gps coordinates.
Ham radio deluxe software radio amateurs best asset. There are many ways and many software to make the raspi fit for ham radio. Xastir runs on windowsmacosxlinuxfreebsdsolarislindows. I was given a kantronics kam plus yesterday, but without cables and software. Aprs infrastructure on vhf is common in most areas and so unlike voice communication, youre likely to be able to find a station to send your packets to and confirm your station is working. Integrated software for logging, rig control, digital modes, satellite.
The tracksoar software is built around the open source trackuino firmware, which is well developed and quite mature. It envolves mapping, gps tracking, packet radio, etc. This application differs from most aprs software in that it isnt designed just to be used with tncs in terminal mode. Welcome to aprsisce32 aprsisce32 the future of amateur. The ease of use and the many features make it a must of hams that want to run a home station or an internet gateway.
Weather station on a raspberry pi sarasota emergency. Data can include object global positioning system gps coordinates, weather station telemetry, text messages, announcements, queries, and other telemetry. Aprs automatic position reporting system is an automated system for reporting the position of a system based on gps and the ax. Aprs for linux is a multifaceted system for use with packet radio by hams, it allows the monitoring of real time geographical information such as the position of vehicles, the status of weather, radio direction finding and much much more. Xastir is an opensource project to create a free x11 graphical aprs tm client. All aprs transmissions are standalone packets, similar to udp user datagram protocol. Works in all windows versions or linux using emul software. Make the pages available on our local meshnet aredn software. It might be possible to support aprs via the usb port and the internal sound card if anyone ever has the time to write supporting software. Ham radio deluxe software the radio amateurs best asset. We have modified it slightly to read data from the sensors and transmit it via aprs, as well as to accept location data from the maxm8q gps receiver.
Tnc pi is a tnc addon for the low power, low cost linux system known as raspberry pi. Aprs is an automatic position reporting system whereby objects report their position usually obtained from gps on the air. Xastir connects to the direwolf through a local on board interface. Agwpe is widely accepted in the amateur radio packet software community and is a tool that provides a standard interface between packet radio software and associated hardware. However it can be difficult to get working if you arent a linux expert.
This tutorial will give you the steps to get going with an aprs igate. It is sometimes called a situational awareness service. Automatic packet reporting system aprs originally known as automatic position reporting system but renamed by its creator, aprs is an amateur radio based digital communications system for local, regional, or longdistance as in the case of hf aprs tactical, realtime exchange of information among all members of a net, including map. Rf network can be connected with a kiss tnc on a serial port. With the super cheap embedded linux platforms raspi, beaglebone, etc. We categorize the programs into general purpose software, single purpose software, research software and software compatible with audio piping. Aprs is a good data mode to get started with as it has a very low barrier to entry.
Xaprs aprs for linux is a multifaceted system for use with packet radio by hams, it allows the monitoring of real time geographical information such as the position of vehicles, the status of weather, radio direction finding and much much more. It can be used standalone to observe aprs traffic, as a tracker, digipeater, aprstt gateway, or internet gateway igate in the early days of amateur packet radio, it was necessary to use an expensive terminal node controller tnc with specialized. Running linux, it can support the aprs program xastir. You will also need the agw terminal program to operate packet. November 2019 i am a big friend of the small raspberry pi which and use this gladly for amateur radio. Nearby digipeaters rebroadcast the packet, and it ripples outward from the original sender. I am in agreement that aprs support would have been a nice little feature. Automatic packet reporting system is a digital protocol used to transmit gps position reports, telemetry, weather reports and text messages between aprs compatible devices and software. Yaac can be used as a standalone aprs client, an aprs rfinternet gateway igate, or as a ax. Af6ds 8 iss station operation iss universal callsign alias. Press the send on the radio, interface or software. Aprsisce32 the future of amateur radio aprs, the most fully featured windows aprs software available, official support site for kj4erj software. An aprs client program, sound card software, a simple interface and your 2m fm radio are all you need to set up your home based aprs igate. Please read this file carefully before trying to set up xastir.
The software is free for hams and noncommercial purposes, but if you do use it and. On this page we will attempt to list, categorize and provide a brief overview of each software program. Many people have complained that the ft991a lacks aprs support. Though often used for vehicle tracking, aprs also provides announcements and information on events or weather. Mit linux stehen dem aprs zugeneigten anwender zwei moglichkeiten zur. Code issues 82 pull requests 9 actions projects 0 security insights. Microsoft windows, from windows xp all the way to windows 10. It is a linux x window amateur station tracking and information reporting application. Get a precompiled package from your favorite linux distribution. It supports 16 different data reporting views as delivered, and can be extended with userwritten plugins to add more functionality. Automatic position reporting system aprs is a twoway realtime communication system that allows users to share information about events in the local area.
Having ran aprs since 1994 dos version and following the different packages i was very pleased to have found this one. The software im using is direwolf info here and xastir info here. Transmitting to rf networks can be controlled with perport filters. Aprs automatic position reporting system is an automated system for. Upload data to weather underground and cwop, that feeds aprs i am a ham after all. Linux has a similar software to agwpe called soundmodem. Before you can get on the air, you need to be licensed and know the rules. Uiview32, its running 247, used as an igate for satellites and a digipeater for 2m aprs, this includes a tcpip connection. Xastir is graphical software for linux that generates aprs packets and plots the data it receives on a map. We then use yaac, yet another aprs client, to retrieve the information and display it on a map. If you more a linux fan you can download here te lastest version. Newest aprs questions amateur radio stack exchange. I wont connect anything to my mac but i dont mind losing an old windows computer if a lightening strike occurs.
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